School Safety & Security
Safety & Security
Sgt. Bryan Schafer
Director of School Safety
Each school day, our nation’s schools are entrusted to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for approximately 55 million elementary and secondary school students. Lessons learned from school emergencies highlight the importance of preparing school officials and first responders to implement safety measures and emergency operations plans. By having measures and plans in place to keep students and staff safe, schools play a key role in taking preventative and protective measures to stop an emergency from occurring or reduce the impact of an incident. Although schools are not traditional response organizations, when a school-based emergency occurs, school personnel respond immediately. They provide first aid, notify response partners, provide instructions before first responders arrive, and work with their community partners to provide a cohesive, coordinated response. Community partners include first responders (law enforcement officers, fire officials, and emergency medical services personnel) as well as public and mental health entities.
Families and communities expect schools to keep their children and youths safe from threats (human-caused emergencies such as crime and violence) and hazards (natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and accidents). But, everyone has a personal responsibility for reducing the risk of violence. We must take steps to maintain order, demonstrate mutual respect and caring for each other, and ensure that children experiencing difficulties get the help they need. Springfield School District maintains a pre-planned and organized approach which is proven to be most effective in reducing the psychological and social difficulties a crisis may bring.
- What is a Safe School?
- Emergency Information
- Quick Tips if there is a School Emergency
- For More Information
- Contact Us
What is a Safe School?
Emergency Information
Quick Tips if there is a School Emergency
For More Information
Contact Us
Security Clearances
In support of Megan’s Law, the Springfield School District has instituted the following safety and security measures:
All persons entering any school building will be required to present and swipe their driver’s license or state issued ID in the District’s new Raptor Security System; upon running the identification, the system will automatically generate a visitors’ pass. Persons without a driver’s license or state-issued identification will still be expected to present a photo ID and will have to meet with building administration to determine building admittance.
All volunteers who are responsible for the welfare of children must have obtained all security clearances prior to service. These volunteers are persons who will chaperone a field trip or volunteer at certain building events as determined by administration. Necessary clearances include: Child Abuse Clearance, Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check and FBI Clearance (waivers for the FBI check are available for persons who have been residents of Pennsylvania for ten years or longer). All clearances are available electronically via the following links:
- Criminal Background Clearance or print and mail an application
- Child Abuse Clearance
- FBI Fingerprints or 10 year + residents of PA may waive the clearance by submitting an affidavit
FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) FINGERPRINT CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK INSTRUCTIONS: Applicants must register for fingerprints online at: (select Digital Fingerprints)
Service Code for EMPLOYEES only: 1kg6xn - $26.20
Service Code for VOLUNTEERS only: 1kg6zj - $24.20
*cost is subject to change by the state
Upon completion, please be sure to print out confirmation / receipt; clearances should be submitted by the volunteer to the main office of your students’ school building(s). The FBI Waiver Affidavit must be presented in person by the volunteer and witnessed by the main office.
Fees for volunteers applying for clearances have been waived by the state, with the exception of the FBI background check, which costs. Submitted clearances must be renewed every 60 months. Certifications are portable as long as they are current; if you currently have clearances less than 5 years old, they are valid and may be submitted to your students’ building(s).
Should you have any questions, please contact your building principal.
(Additional information is available on the Human Resources page.)