District Communications Repository
24-25 Communications
- New Parent Cafeteria Portal – SchoolCafe - July 29, 2024
Bus route information for the 2024-25 school year has been emailed and posted in Home Access Center (HAC). Please note that stop times are subject to change during the first month of school as routes are modified due to changes in ridership.
These time changes will be communicated to you and updated periodically in Home Access Center (HAC) on the Registration icon – Demographic tab. If you need assistance logging into HAC, please complete a Parent Contact Form.
Please have your child at the bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to your scheduled pickup time. Pick up and drop off times are only estimates, these times may change due to traffic, new routes, volume of students using transportation and/or weather conditions.
If you have any questions regarding bus route information, please contact STA at bmazzella@ridesta.com or ldimatteo@ridesta.com.
Thank you,
Springfield School District and STA
New Parent Cafeteria Portal – SchoolCafe - July 29, 2024
Dear Parents & Guardians
Back to school is an exciting time for students and families, and as the beginning of the school year quickly approaches, we want to extend a warm welcome back to school and back to the café. Chartwells K12 and Springfield School District are eager to welcome you and your student back to the school café with new flavors, events, food and wellness education that will surely inspire a healthy and fun 2024-25 school year.
We have made some software changes for the 2024-25 school year. My School Bucks portal is no longer active. Please do not deposit funds in My School Bucks’. All student funds that were in My School Bucks will be transferred to the new software – SchoolCafe. Once the transfer is complete detailed instructions will be sent on how to create a new account in SchoolCafe.
Please reach out to me Michael.Byrne@ssdcougars.org or 610-938-6023 with any questions.
Best Regards,
Michael Byrne
Director of Dining Services
Chartwells K12
23-24 Communications
- Public Statement of Springfield School District Scenic Hills Ecology Center - June 5, 2024
- PA Summer EBT/SUN Bucks 2024 Program – May 30, 2024
- Solar Eclipse - April 8, 2024
- Earthquake Update - April 5, 2024
- 2024-2025 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION - January 31, 2024
- SSD School Closed January 19, 2024
- SSD - Two - Hour Delay - January 18, 2024
- SSD - Two - Hour Delay - January 17, 2024
- SSD - Two - Hour Delay - January 16, 2024
- SAEF Fundraiser - Joe Conklin and the City Rhythm Orchestra – October 27, 2023
Public Statement of Springfield School District Scenic Hills Ecology Center - June 5, 2024
Springfield School District made the decision about the Scenic Hills Ecology Center only after careful consideration of input from various experts who assist our school community about the safety and sustainability of school environments. These experts include members of our School Board’s facilities committee, our engineers, our environmental specialists, our attorneys, our grounds crew, our business office, and our curriculum office.
While the concept of an Ecology Center that endeavors to support a tortoise such as Shelly has always been appealing, we have come to realize in practice that this space was not planned in accordance with industry standards and sustainability. As it currently exists, this space presents a significant risk of harm to our school community.
Although the plan for this space was well-intentioned, we have also come to realize that we can no longer maintain it in a safe and sustainable manner without having to impose upon our taxpayers both very significant capital investments and very substantial annual operational expenses going into perpetuity.
Some of the facts that have come to light and have contributed to this decision are:
- A large amount of fecal matter and urine in proximity to our children
- Artificial water features that are not fenced in and that pose drowning hazards to our children
- Numerous instances of stagnant standing water
- Trip and fall hazards near the artificial water hazards
- Pinch points
- Splinters
- Rust issues
- Unsecured storage of food and chemicals, leading to rodents
- A compost pile that does not adhere to standard guidelines.
In the short term, our plans include:
- Having Shelly (the tortoise) continue with his caretaker. (Even when Shelly resided in the Ecology Center, he spent time indoors whenever the outside temperature was dangerous to his native environmental standard.)
- Removing the water features
- Landscaping area with grass and native plants
- Relocating the Mallards using procedures like swimming pool relocations and with appropriate input from experts
- Removing tripping hazards
- Removing pinch points, splinting hazards, and rusted items
- Removing standing water
- Power washing the entryway to the space
- Removing the compost pile. (A composting initiative can begin at Scenic Hills and/or our other District schools in a better location where bins and additional compostable material can be incorporated.)
- Moving the box turtles to an appropriate habitat
We remain committed to balancing the need for a safe and sustainable school environment with the desire to maintain green space at Scenic Hills and throughout the rest of our school community.
Dated: 06.05.2024
PA Summer EBT/SUN Bucks 2024 Program – May 30, 2024
Pennsylvania Summer EBT / SUN Bucks 2024 Program
The Pennsylvania Departments of Human Services (DHS) and Education (PDE) have asked school districts for assistance in sharing information regarding the Summer EBT / SUN Bucks 2024 program. It is important to read the Summer EBT/SUN Bucks Benefits letter, provided by DHS and PDE, for full details of the 2024 SUN Bucks program.
SUN Bucks Overview:
Families qualifying for free or reduced-price school meals at a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) are automatically eligible for Summer EBT/SUN Bucks. The program provides food dollars to low-income families with school-aged children over the summer months. If you have not applied for free or reduced meals for the 2023-2024 school year and feel your income qualifies, you have until June 14, 2024, to apply through SchoolCafe: https://www.schoolcafe.com/. Students who are homeschooled or taught virtually for 100% of the school year are ineligible for Summer EBT/SUN Bucks.
SUN Bucks Application:
Families should only submit a Summer EBT/SUN Bucks application if their child was not found automatically eligible. Review the Summer EBT/SUN Bucks Benefits letter for specifics on eligibility. Springfield High School does not participate in the National School Lunch Program. It is recommended that you contact DHS to determine eligibility. Applications will be available on the DHS SUN Bucks website: http://www.dhs.pa.gov/SunBucks starting July 1, 2024 and must be submitted by August 31, 2024.
SUN Bucks Benefit Issuance:
DHS will issue the 2024 Summer EBT/SUN Bucks benefits from late August to September 2024. Note: DHS asks families not to call regarding not receiving Summer EBT/Sun Bucks before the end of August 2024. Schools cannot assist families with Summer EBT/SUN Bucks benefit questions. Schools cannot access the state's Summer EBT/SUN Bucks system or records.
SUN Bucks Resources:
DHS and their County Assistance Office (CAO) offer family support for Summer EBT/SUN Bucks. The DHS Summer EBT/SUN Bucks webpage for families can be found here: http://www.dhs.pa.gov/SunBucks. New content will be posted periodically. The Statewide Customer Service Center can be reached by phone at 1-877-395-8930, or 1-215-560-7226 in Philadelphia.
Please note that schools are asked to direct all general questions to DHS and CAO after we have confirmed a correct student record was filed. DHS is the administering agency for SUN Bucks and the school cannot assist with benefit information.
Thank you,
Springfield School District
Solar Eclipse - April 8, 2024
Dear SSD Families.
As you may know, a total solar eclipse will be occurring on April 8, 2024. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has provided an FAQ about this event. Likewise, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has also issued an informational link connected to this day.
As stated in PDE’s communication, the eclipse will begin around 2:00 p.m. (EST) and last until 4:30 p.m., with the “path of totality” occurring between 3:15 p.m. and 3:20 p.m.
Although this cosmic occurrence provides for an educational opportunity, we must also be alert when it comes to the safety of our community.
As advised, one should never look directly at the sun without protective eyewear.
The Springfield School District has reviewed the information regarding the eclipse and will be utilizing the following plan for the day:
- All schools will be open on April 8, 2024.
- Families are welcomed to take an early dismissal for their child(ren) without penalty so long as the appropriate process is completed.
- Schools will be providing more information about dismissals and other relevant information for students and families in the next day or two.
We encourage families to discuss this information with their children and review the guidelines for safety with them. Once school communications have been relayed to families, if you still have further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your child’s school for assistance.
Thank you for your anticipated support.
The Springfield School District
Earthquake Update - April 5, 2024
Dated: February 21, 2024
During the regular meeting of the Board of School Directors which was held on January 18, 2024, the Board approved a motion which authorized and directed the District’s Solicitor to file with the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County a Petition for Appointment of Bryan Schafer as a School Police Officer as permitted under the Pennsylvania School Code.
On February 6, 2024, the Petition was filed with the Court.
A hearing relating to the Petition is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 8:30 AM, in the Delaware County Courthouse located at Front Street and Veterans Square in Media.
The courtroom where the hearing will be held has not yet been determined.
2024-2025 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION - January 31, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Registration for kindergarten students for the 2024-2025 school year will be held February 12th, 13th and 15th. If you have an incoming kindergarten student you must make an appointment and register your child.
Registration appointments may be scheduled by clicking here. Registration will be held in the Springfield School District Administration building. No early registrations or registrations without an appointment will be taken. The registration packet(s) must be completed in its entirety, printed single-sided, and brought to your scheduled appointment along with original documents. One registration packet is required for each student registering.
Please reach out to Christina Miller at registration@ssdcougars.org or 610-938-6018 if you have any questions. Visit our registration website for more information: https://www.ssdcougars.org/district/student-registration.
SSD Registration Department
SSD School Closed January 19, 2024
Hello from the Springfield School District.
Due to the unpredictability of the timing and amounts of snowfall for the impending storm, Springfield School District will be closed on Friday, January 19, 2024. The last thing we would want to do is bring students in and then dismiss them early, putting students, staff, and parents on the roads at the predicted height of the snowfall.
Please note that this is our last planned snow day. All future weather- and emergency-related school closings will be virtual learning days. You will receive more information about virtual learning days from your student’s school.
Stay warm!
SSD - Two - Hour Delay - January 18, 2024
Hello from the Springfield School District.
Due to the anticipated refreezing and colder temperatures, the Springfield School District will be running a two-hour delay schedule on Thursday, January 18, 2024. School principals will be sending specifics about their Thursday schedules shortly.
Any further changes to the schedule will be communicated by 6:30 am Thursday morning.
Be Well and Happy!
SSD - Two - Hour Delay - January 17, 2024
Hello from the Springfield School District.
Due to the anticipated ice and colder temperatures, the Springfield School District will be running a two-hour delay schedule on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. School principals will be sending specifics about their Wednesday schedules shortly.
Any further changes to the schedule will be communicated by 6:30 am Wednesday morning.
Be safe!
SSD - Two - Hour Delay - January 16, 2024
SAEF Fundraiser - Joe Conklin and the City Rhythm Orchestra – October 27, 2023
SSD Families,
The Springfield Area Education Foundation (SAEF) is hosting a comedy night fundraiser on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at the high school auditorium. Joe Conklin and his City Rhythm Orchestra will be in Springfield for a fun night of comedy and musical performances. Tickets are being sold for $55 and the show will start at 7:30 pm. SAEF would love to have you join us. To purchase tickets, see the link below.
Link to purchase tickets:
SAEF partners with the school district to support the students of Springfield School District and provides annual scholarships to graduating seniors, grants to support educational programs, and financial resources for tutoring programs in each school.
We hope to see you at the show. If there are any questions, please let us know.
Thank you,
Springfield School District
22-23 Communications
- SAEF Fundraiser - Joe Conklin and the City Rhythm Orchestra – October 27, 2023
- BUS ROUTE INFORMATION 2023-24 – August 17, 2023
- Elementary School Breakfast Survey – August 14, 2023
- Transportation Survey Notice 2023-24 - July 17, 2023
- 2023 Mandatory Re-Registration – Grades 6 and 9
- Safety Alert - 03/15/2023
- Important Safety Message - 3/5/23
- Family Letter - 3/1/23
- Administrative Restructuring at SSD - 2/26/23
- 2-hour delay on Monday, February 13, 2023
- Special Education Department Reorganization - 1/17/23
- Administrative Restructuring at SHS - 12/21/22
- Cold and Flu: Seasonal Reminder
- Reminder: Half Day for Students Thursday, October 13, 2022
- Woodland Ave. Traffic - 9/8/22
- Summer 2022 Family Letter
SAEF Fundraiser - Joe Conklin and the City Rhythm Orchestra – October 27, 2023
SSD Families,
The Springfield Area Education Foundation (SAEF) is hosting a comedy night fundraiser on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at the high school auditorium. Joe Conklin and his City Rhythm Orchestra will be in Springfield for a fun night of comedy and musical performances. Tickets are being sold for $55 and the show will start at 7:30 pm. SAEF would love to have you join us. To purchase tickets, see the link below.
Link to purchase tickets:
SAEF partners with the school district to support the students of Springfield School District and provides annual scholarships to graduating seniors, grants to support educational programs, and financial resources for tutoring programs in each school.
We hope to see you at the show. If there are any questions, please let us know.
Thank you,
Springfield School District
BUS ROUTE INFORMATION 2023-24 – August 17, 2023
Bus route information for the 2023-24 school year has been emailed and posted in Home Access Center (HAC). Please note that stop times are subject to change during the first month of school as routes are modified due to changes in ridership.
These time changes will be communicated to you and updated periodically in Home Access Center (HAC) on the Registration icon – Demographic tab. If you need assistance logging into HAC, please complete a Parent Contact Form.
Please have your child at the bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to your scheduled pickup time. Pick up and drop off times are only estimates, these times may change due to traffic, new routes, volume of students using transportation and/or weather conditions.
If you have any questions regarding bus route information, please contact STA at bmazzella@ridesta.com or ldimatteo@ridesta.com.
Thank you,
Springfield School District and STA
Elementary School Breakfast Survey – August 14, 2023
All students in Springfield Elementary Schools (Grades 1-5) will have access to free school breakfast for the 2023-2024 school year through the National School Lunch Program. The free breakfasts will be offered daily beginning September 11, 2023. More information regarding timing and meals will be provided in the coming days.
We are asking all families to complete this one-question-survey so that we can adequately prepare, staff, and implement this program. One survey must be completed for each child attending one of our elementary schools. Please complete the survey by Friday, August 25, 2023.
Thank you,
Springfield School District and Chartwells
Transportation Survey Notice 2023-24 - July 17, 2023
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The district's Transportation Rider Survey for 2023-24 was emailed on 7/13/2023 at 4:00 pm. If your current home address qualifies your student for transportation services, you should have received a Transportation Rider Survey for each eligible rider in your household.
If you did not receive the survey and feel you meet the qualifications listed below, please contact STA at bmazzella@ridesta.com or nsullivan@ridesta.com.
District transportation services are provided following the PA State School Bus Transportation Guidelines.
- Springfield High School Students – 1.5 miles or more from Springfield High School according to STA routing software and GPS Mapping.
- ETR Middle School, Elementary Schools and SLC 1st Grade Students – 1 mile or more from their school according to STA routing software and GPS Mapping.
- Kindergarten - Kindergarten students are not transported to school.
- Dangerous Highways – Students located on the other side (away from their school) of defined dangerous highways are also eligible to receive transportation services.
Thank you,
Springfield School District
Donald Mooney
Executive Director of Operations
2023 Mandatory Re-Registration – Grades 6 and 9
The Springfield School District is re-registering all students entering grade six and nine. In order for your child(ren) to continue their education in Springfield School District, you must re-register your student. The packet contains the checklist of original items needed for your appointment and fillable form(s) that must be completed, printed and brought with you to your scheduled appointment. If you have more than one student re-registering, please complete a Student Re-Registration Application for each student.
Click and download the packet here: Re-Registration Packet (open with Adobe).
Each appointment slot is ten minutes in length and runs from June 15, 2023 through August 17, 2023. The dates and times for re-registration are available at the following link: Re-Registration Appointments. All appointments are held at the Administration Office located at the Springfield School District Administration Building, 200 S. Rolling Rd. in Springfield (next to Springfield High School).
Please be considerate of other families re-registering and have all required original documents and forms completed prior to your appointment time. If the necessary documents and forms are not prepared prior to your appointment, you will be asked to reschedule at a later time. Please remember that until the student’s re-registration is complete, he or she will not be eligible to begin school on August 29, 2023.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 610.938.6018.
Thank you,
Christina Miller
Central Registration Office
Safety Alert - 03/15/2023
Good morning, Morton and Springfield families.
We have received a report that a male driver of a gray truck (with black spots, dents, and tinted windows) tried to initiate a conversation with one of our students. The incident took place on the corner of Sheffield Drive and Bell Avenue at approximately 7:45 AM on Wednesday morning 03.15.23.
The student did not know the driver. The student did not respond back, left the scene immediately and reported the incident to school officials. The student is in school and is safe. We want you to know we have contacted the authorities, and they are investigating the incident.
Although this incident occurred before official school hours, we feel it is appropriate to remind everyone to stay vigilant when dealing with safety concerns. We encourage you to use every opportunity to assist your child(ren) in developing their level of independence with an awareness of safety and automatic responses to potentially unsafe situations
We all care about our children and look forward to your continued support.
Sergeant Chris Chermak
Director of School Safety
Important Safety Message - 3/5/23
Good afternoon, SSD families.
Late this afternoon (Sunday, March 5, 2023), the school administration at E.T. Richardson Middle School became aware of a social media post containing a threat of violence believed to be directed towards the middle school. As part of our safety protocol, the administrative team immediately began working collaboratively with local law enforcement. With the Springfield Police Department’s assistance, we were able to identify the source of the post, and law enforcement determined that there is no threat to the middle school or any other school within the district related to this post.
We know in this day and age that we must be hyper-vigilant when it comes to the safety of our students, staff, and families. We are grateful to the community for sharing their concerns and providing us the opportunity to thoroughly investigate this with our partners in law enforcement.
We truly thank you for your care and continued support.
The SSD Team
Family Letter - 3/1/23
RE: Important Message 3.1.23
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We wanted to take a moment to inform you of an incident that occurred while an SHS student was walking to school this morning. While crossing Powell and Leamy Avenues on the way to school, an SHS student was struck by a car. The student’s parent and emergency services arrived immediately at the scene and assessed the student to have sustained minor injuries. The student was transported to Crozer Hospital for further evaluation.
In light of this incident, please remind your children to be alert and follow safety protocols while moving to and from school. The safety and well-being of our students is our highest priority.
Thank you.
SSD Team
Administrative Restructuring at SSD - 2/26/23
Hello, SSD families.
As we continually evaluate school district programming and staffing allocations, we do so through the lens of our four pillars - Academics, Athletics/Activities, Arts, and Service. We have several administrators retiring in the coming months, and we will be restructuring our team to best serve our district and community.
We are incredibly fortunate that our administrative team members are dedicated, hard-working, and versatile. Their growth and commitment to our families and community during their many years of service to our district has only increased our confidence in them and proven their ability to harvest success in various positions within our district.
We recognize that our work still necessitates a significant effort for the success of our schools. Thus, the team will be reorganized to place administrative team members in key positions that suit the needs of the entire district moving forward.
In December, we began communicating changes regarding the restructuring of the SSD administration. Please visit the 22-23 District Communications webpage to view those communications (Administrative Restructuring at SHS 12.21.22, Special Education Department Reorganization 1.17.23).
We would also like to take this opportunity to communicate additional administrative changes, which will take effect on July 1, 2023.
Central Office:
- Human Resources - Ms. Linda Bellace, who currently serves as the Human Resources Director, will be retiring on July 1, 2023. At that time, Dr. Lisanne Mikula will become our new Human Resources Director. Lisanne will be joining us sometime in mid-April to work with Linda on transitioning into her new role. Introductions with staff will be made at that time. Linda will remain with the district on a part-time basis throughout the summer and the new school year to help support the Human Resources function.
- Dr. Jeffrey Zweiback, who currently serves as Director of Teaching and Learning for Secondary Education, will be assuming the role of Director of Educational Services.
- Ms. Cynthia Mattei, who currently serves as Director of Teaching and Learning for Elementary Education, will be retiring at the end of the summer.
- Dr. Melissa Butler, who currently serves as the Director of Technology, Assessment, and Communications, will be assuming the role of Director of Middle-Level Education and Technology, retaining her current responsibilities as Director of Technology.
High School Level:
- Mrs. Monica Conlin, who currently serves as Principal at ETR, will be assuming the role of SHS Chief Academic Officer.
- Mr. Glenn Mallon, who currently serves as Athletic Director, will be assuming the position of SHS Dean of Student Affairs/Athletics.
- Ms. Susan Trella, who currently serves as Principal at the SLC, will be assuming the role of Assistant Director of Curriculum & Instruction/Athletics.
Middle Level:
- Mr. Walter Hartshorn, who has served as Assistant Principal at ETR and SHS, will be assuming the role of Principal at ETR. (We will be hiring a Dean of Student Affairs and an Assistant Principal at ETR.)
Elementary Level:
- Dr. Madeleine O’Dowd, who currently serves as Principal of Scenic Hills Elementary, will be retiring at the end of this school year.
- Dr. Peter Brigg, who currently serves as Principal of Sabold Elementary, will be assuming the role of Director of Elementary Education and Professional Development.
- Mr. Anthony Simek, who has served as Supervisor of Special Education and Assistant Principal of SHS, will be assuming the role of Principal of Sabold Elementary.
- Ms. Megan Scelfo, who has served as Assistant Principal at ETR and SHS, and was a former elementary principal, will be assuming the role of Principal at Scenic Hills.
- Ms. Megan Charitonchick, who has served as Supervisor of Special Education and Assistant Principal at ETR, will be assuming the role of Principal at the Springfield Literacy Center.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Linda, Cindy, and Madeleine for their years of service and wish them the best! As mentioned, we will be hosting informational sessions at the schools to address any questions related to these changes. Be on the lookout for emails with dates and times.
Thank you for your anticipated support and cooperation.
Dr. Anthony Barber
2-hour delay on Monday, February 13, 2023
Special Education Department Reorganization - 1/17/23
Good afternoon, Springfield School District families.
On December 21st, we notified you of our plans to restructure our administrative team, as we continue to strengthen our resolve in the successful pursuit of the four pillars. Obviously, we pride ourselves in the programs and services we provide to all of our students. This mantra defines our mission as a school district and unifies us as a community.
Recognizing the importance of our mission, we are excited to announce a reorganization of our Special Education Department. Marnie Lorah and I will continue to serve the district in our current roles.
The following adjustments to the Special Education Administrative Team will take place:
- Daniel Tracy will become the Manager of Special Education Programming K-12.
- This position will provide leadership and hands-on support for all special education programming K-12.
- This position will provide leadership and hands-on support for all special education programming K-12.
- Hope Taylor-Scott and Meghan Myers will become the Coordinators of Special Education Programming.
- These positions will be building-based and focus on the role of the LEA.
As mentioned, we believe these essential changes will assist us in delivering great services to all students, and thus, ultimately impact all of our students’ achievement and success in a positive fashion.
Thank you.
Dr. Kristin Nash
Director of Special Education
Springfield School District
Administrative Restructuring at SHS - 12/21/22
December 21, 2022
Hello, SHS families.
As we continually evaluate school district programming and staffing allocations, we do so through the lens of our four pillars - Academics, Athletics/Activities, Arts, and Service. With a keen eye on the budget and future planning, we also seek opportunities to be fiscally responsible and look for ways to help address ever-present budget challenges.
To that end, we will be restructuring our administrative team, taking advantage of the retirement of some of our administrators this summer. These changes will involve a reduction in personnel on the administrative team, which will assist in addressing budget challenges. Yet, in recognizing our work still necessitates a significant effort for the success of our students, the team will be reorganized to place administrative team members in key positions that suit the needs of the entire district moving forward.
The first change will take place in January 2023 and involves Dr. Daniel Tracy transitioning to take on oversight of Federal Programs (Title I, Title II, etc.), coordination of assessment and data efforts, and other responsibilities. Dr. Joseph Hepp, currently serving as a Director of Teaching and Learning for Secondary Schools, will transition back to the high school. He will retain some of his current responsibilities as the new Director of High School Education while also serving as the SHS Principal.
In the coming weeks, we will be hosting an informational session for families from the high school to address any questions related to this transition. Likewise, additional communications will be forthcoming and informational sessions will be scheduled regarding the remaining shifts in administrative responsibilities.
Thank you for your anticipated support and cooperation.
Dr. Anthony Barber
Dated: November 22, 2022
During the regular meeting of the Board of School Directors which was held on October 27, 2022, the Board approved a motion which authorized and directed the District’s Solicitor to file with the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County a Petition for Appointment of Christopher Chermak as a School Police Officer as permitted under the Pennsylvania School Code.
On November 18, 2022, the Petition was filed with the Court.
A hearing relating to the Petition is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. in the Delaware County Courthouse located at Front Street and Veterans Square in Media.
The courtroom where the hearing will be held has not yet been determined.
Cold and Flu: Seasonal Reminder
We wanted to take a brief moment to offer a medical reminder about cold and flu season. As you may know already, the flu and other respiratory ailments have been making the rounds early this season, and the Springfield School District has not been immune to their effects. We feel it is important that we review some simple precautions that can be taken to limit yours and others’ risk of being exposed to any cold or flu viruses.
As with most viruses, preventing exposure is the key to safeguarding oneself from catching them.
- Avoid close contact with sick people
- Wash your hands often – Best practice is to hum the “Happy Birthday” song while washing to insure an effective washing.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes – into a tissue or utilizing a bent elbow rather than your hands
- Do not share drinks or food with individuals that appear sick or have been exposed
- Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands
- Clean and disinfect surfaces at home – Our custodial staff is doing this daily at the schools with hospital grade cleansers and disinfectants.
- And most importantly, stay home when you are sick.
We would also like to take a moment to remind you of symptoms that should be considered in keeping your child home.
- Temperature of 100 degrees or more within the past 24 hours (without Tylenol or other anti-fever medication).
- Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
- While waiting for and / or a positive throat culture for strep: student should be on antibiotic treatment for 24-48 hours before returning to school. IMPORTANT! Some antibiotic treatments may require a longer period of waiting before returning to school. Please consult your physician for more information.
- Persistent cough or runny nose accompanied by body aches.
- Other symptoms that when present would necessitate a trip to the doctor for relief.
As always, please remind your child about frequent hand washing and covering of coughs and sneezes. These simple actions are the most effective means of preventing the spread of colds, flu and most communicable diseases.
The SSD Team
Reminder: Half Day for Students Thursday, October 13, 2022
Hello, Springfield School District families.
This is a reminder that students have a half day schedule on Thursday, October 13, 2022.
The building schedules are as follows:
Building (Early Release - 1/2 Day) |
Student Arrival * |
Student Instruction Begins |
Student Instruction Concludes |
Springfield High School |
7:05 - 7:25 AM |
7:30 AM |
10:30 AM |
ET Richardson Middle School |
7:20- 7:45 AM |
7:55 AM |
11:00 AM |
Scenic & Sabold Elementary Schools |
8:30-8:55 AM |
9:00 AM |
11:30 AM |
Springfield Literacy Center K (morning) |
8:45-9:00 AM |
9:00 AM |
11:30 AM |
Springfield Literacy Center K (afternoon) |
No PM K |
No PM K |
No PM K |
Springfield Literacy Center Grade 1 |
8:30-8:45 AM |
8:45 AM |
12:00 PM |
The start times are when students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to begin their day. Students may not be dropped off earlier than the reported student arrival times as there is no supervision available other than during the times listed.
Please contact your school if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Woodland Ave. Traffic - 9/8/22
Hello, SSD families.
The district has been made aware that there will be excess traffic on Woodland Ave during this afternoon's dismissal hours. Please take this into account if you are picking up your student this afternoon.
We thank you for your patience and understanding, as we work together to provide a safe dismissal for our students.
The SSD Team
Summer 2022 Family Letter
Hello, everyone!
We hope your summer has been a time of fabulous fun and exhilarating events for you and your family. Whether you traveled to the beach, the mountains, or simply found time to spend with loved ones, on behalf of the Springfield School Board of Directors and the entire administration, we sincerely hope you were able to achieve your summer goals and are looking forward to another precious school year.
The selection of the word “precious” is purposeful. We all have experienced the trials of the last two years. In realizing each moment in the classroom is critical, we understand the importance of our professional calling - to serve the students and families of our district to the best of our ability. We do this work through the practice of our pillars, through our daily efforts, and our tremendous resolve to find the good in every situation.
In essence, when we commit ourselves to working hard and being nice, wondrous things occur!
If you haven’t already, you will receive communication from your child’s school concerning the start of the school year. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Becoming educated is a process, one which requires perseverance and a positive attitude toward continuous improvement. Nurturing an environment that inspires students to develop both a zest for learning and a confidence to attain their goals is our mission and our sincere promise to you.
Until then, be happy, be safe, and we will see you soon.
21-22 Communications
- Family Letter - 6/14/22
- Increased Security to Curb Vandalism on SSD Campuses - 6/1/2022
- Gr 6 & 9 Re-Registration - 5/18/22
- Health and Safety Update - 4/4/2022
- Important Safety and Discipline Notice - RE: Gel Guns - 3/30/22
- District Update - 2/25/2022
- Health and Safety Reminder - 2/17/2022
- Chickenpox (Varicella) Notification - 2/15/2022
- Family Letter 2/8/22
- Emergency School Board Meeting - 2/2/22
- 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration - 1/21/22
- 2 Hour Delay - 1/7/22
- 1/4/2022 Updated Guidance
- District Update 1.3.22
- SSD Snow Day for Monday, January 3rd, 2022
- PA SECRETARY of ED - Letter Social Media Threats Against Schools - 12.16.21
- Nationally Reported Social Media TikTok Threat - 12/16/21
Family Letter - 6/14/22
Dear SDD families,
As the year comes to its conclusion, with so many wonderful memories, I find it hard not to reflect on the loss of my father last month. As I said to a few folks, it was like I was sitting in a chair my whole life, and now I’m sitting on a stool with no back support. It’s a weird feeling, and one that I must learn to balance. Sadly, I know we have all had similar situations in our lives. Such is the human experience.
And then there was COVID . . . and the year that we all faced. Certainly, this was not an easy proposition considering its challenges on top of life’s already existing ones. As a collective and as individuals, there were days when all of us were knocked down (feeling like the chair was pulled out from underneath us), and yet, we persevered. We got back up each time, dusted ourselves and others off, and went back to making our families whole. This is the responsibility of parenthood and guardianship. It’s what we do!
I realize words are only so much; however, before we spring into summer, our entire team wishes to say thank you. Thank you for your hard work, your flexibility, and your commitment to us, and our district. Thank you for encouraging our children in becoming the best they can be.
Family is our students’ support system. YOU are their chairs forever, providing balance at every stage. And these efforts are what make all of our lives extraordinary!
Have a great summer. We will miss you.
Tony and our Team
Increased Security to Curb Vandalism on SSD Campuses - 6/1/2022
Good day, Springfield School District families.
Unfortunately, we are witnessing an increase in the vandalism on our school campuses during the evening hours. In an effort to curb this trend, the Springfield School District will be contracting with a security company to assist with nighttime surveillance.
Starting on Wednesday, June 1st, please note that at Springfield High School, Cougar Way will be locked by 6 pm. Access to the track will still be available from the Leamy and Rolling Rds. parking lot entrance next to the visitors’ bleachers for community members who wish to utilize this community resource.
As always, we appreciate your support with this effort, and if you should witness an act of vandalism or other actions that would cause harm to property or people, please contact our offices at 610-938-6000 to report it, or, in case of an emergency, please call 911 immediately.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The SSD Team
Gr 6 & 9 Re-Registration - 5/18/22
The Springfield School District is re-registering all students entering grade six and nine. In order for your child(ren) to continue their education in Springfield School District, you must re-register your student. The packet contains the checklist of original items needed for your appointment and fillable form(s) that must be completed, printed and brought with you to your appointment. If you have more than one student re-registering, please complete a Student Re-Registration Application for each student. Click and download the packet here: Re-Registration Packet (open with Adobe).
Each appointment slot is ten minutes in length and runs from May 25, 2022 through August 18, 2022. The dates and times for re-registration are available at the following link: Re-Registration Appointments. All appointments are held at the Administration Office located at the Springfield School District Administration Building, 200 S. Rolling Rd. in Springfield (next to Springfield High School).
Please be considerate of other families re-registering and have all required original documents and forms completed prior to your appointment time. If the necessary documents and forms are not prepared prior to your appointment, you will be asked to reschedule at a later time. Please remember that until the student’s re-registration is complete, he or she will not be eligible to begin school on August 30, 2022.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 610.938.6018.
Thank you,
Christina Miller
Central Registration Office
Health and Safety Update - 4/4/2022
Dear SSD Community,
In our continued transition to pre-pandemic conditions, and in alignment with our approved Health and Safety Plan, students may continue to wear masks if they choose to; however, we will no longer be handing them out simply upon request. Therefore, please note that masks/PPE will be placed in the nurse’s office and given when requested by a student who is feeling ill/under the weather. If a student chooses/wants to simply wear a mask and is not ill, the child/home should provide that PPE for use in school.
Thank you.
Important Safety and Discipline Notice - RE: Gel Guns - 3/30/22
Dear SSD Parent/Guardian,
It has come to the Springfield School District’s attention of a Tik Tok Challenge involving Gel Guns. Although we have not had an incident in our district to date, we need our students and families to realize that this is not a toy and is completely inappropriate for schools. There have been several incidents in neighboring school districts of people being injured by these instruments, and we simply will not tolerate this behavior.
Please understand that possessing and/or using these instruments while on school grounds, on our buses, or at school events will be considered a violation of our discipline code and subject to serious consequences, including the involvement of our local law enforcement.
Parents and guardians, we are asking for your assistance in educating our children to make good choices. Gel Guns are considered weapons and can have the potential of negatively impacting one’s educational career.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in this critical matter.
The SSD Team
District Update - 2/25/2022
Dear families of the Springfield School District,
“Effective February 25, 2022, CDC does not require wearing of masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems, including early care and education/child care programs.”
Therefore, masks are encouraged, but no longer required, on SSD vehicles/buses.
Thank you,
Springfield School District
Health and Safety Reminder - 2/17/2022
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you are aware, Springfield School District has moved to mask optional thus giving students and employees a choice based on their comfort and needs.
Now that your child has attended for a few weeks since this move was made, we are reaching out to see if you have any concerns that have not been addressed previously by the IEP/504 team.
In the event that your child’s disability includes a serious medical or other condition that warrants further discussion for the 504 or IEP team, please contact your child’s case manager, principal or the special education administration.
The health and safety of the Springfield School District community is our priority. Please reach out to us with any questions.
Kristin M. Nash, Ed.D.
Director of Special Education
Springfield School District
Chickenpox (Varicella) Notification - 2/15/2022
This is to notify you that we have had a confirmed case of Chickenpox (Varicella) at the Sabold Elementary School. While we need to respect the privacy and identity of the individual(s) exhibiting symptoms, the PA State Department of Health requires that districts make families aware of the infection.
Chickenpox is a common illness among children, particularly those under the age of 12. An itchy rash of spots that looks like blisters can appear all over the body and may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms. Symptoms usually go away without treatment, but because the infection is very contagious, an infected child is required to stay home and rest until the symptoms are gone. A note by a doctor/healthcare professional must accompany returning students who have been out with Chickenpox/Shingles.
Most children have been vaccinated against Chickenpox as part of their standard childhood vaccinations; however, we still wanted to provide this information to families in case there were questions or concerns. Chickenpox causes a red, itchy rash on the skin that usually appears first on the abdomen or back and face, and then spreads to almost everywhere else on the body. Some children have a fever, abdominal pain, sore throat, headache, or a vague sick feeling a day or two before the rash appears.
Trained staff have thoroughly cleaned and disinfected the classrooms and common areas. If your child exhibits the above symptoms, please refer your child to your doctor/healthcare provider and notify the school nurse.
More information can be found here:
Family Letter 2/8/22
Federal judge upholds the SSD Health and Safety Plan on 2.3.22
Good morning, all.
We wanted to update you on a class action lawsuit filed in federal court against our District and School Board. Regarding our Health and Safety Plan.
Here’s what we know so far:
- This past Tuesday, a law firm representing several Springfield School District special education students notified our District that it had filed a proposed class action lawsuit in federal court against our District and our School Board. This lawsuit claims that our District’s Health and Safety Plan – which permits parents to choose whether their children will wear a face covering in school – allegedly has an unfair impact on special education students. Our District strongly disagrees with that claim and is confident that our Health and Safety Plan is lawful and appropriate.
- This past Thursday, a federal judge conducted a hearing on the plaintiffs’ law firm’s request that the court issue a temporary restraining order that would have immediately imposed a universal mask mandate upon everyone within our District schools. Following the conclusion of this hearing, the federal judge denied this request. That means that our District’s current Health and Safety Plan remains in full force and effect, for at least the time being.
- The federal judge has scheduled an evidentiary hearing on the plaintiffs’ law firm’s request for a preliminary injunction for Monday, February 28, 2022. This is the next procedural step in the process of this litigation. Following this hearing, the federal judge will determine whether the plaintiffs’ claim is likely to succeed on its merits and that it is entitled, as a matter of federal law, to a court order imposing a universal mask mandate upon everyone within our District schools. If the federal judge determines that the plaintiffs’ law firm has met its legal burden, our District expects that the federal judge will issue a preliminary injunction that imposes a universal mask mandate upon everyone within our District schools, pending a final verdict in this litigation. Again, it is our District’s position that the plaintiffs’ law firm cannot meet its legal burden because our Health and Safety Plan is lawful and appropriate.
The plaintiffs/students have the right to proceed anonymously in this proposed class action lawsuit. Our District does not know – and does not want to know – the identity of any of the plaintiffs/students. In general, federal judges permit anonymity to protect plaintiffs who claim that they fear possible retaliation. Of course, even if our District were to learn the identity of any of the plaintiffs/students, we would not engage in any retaliation, nor would we permit or condone any retaliation by anyone else. Our District has full confidence that this litigation will take its normal and proper course.
We will keep you updated as the situation unfolds.
Thank you.
Emergency School Board Meeting - 2/2/22
The Springfield School Board is holding an Emergency School Board Meeting tonight (02.02.22) at 6pm. The format is in person. The meeting will be held in the high school auditorium.
The purpose of tonight’s Emergency School Board meeting is limited to one sole agenda item. The item is as follows:
Recommendation: that the Board approve the updated Health and Safety Plan, effective immediately, to add the following language as presented:
The District recognizes that medically fragile and other special needs students have diverse and sometimes contrary needs when it comes to masking. For that reason, each child’s IEP and 504 team must make an individualized determination as to what reasonable accommodations are appropriate for each individual child in accordance with the requirements of IDEA, ADA, and Section 504.
2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration - 1/21/22
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Registration for kindergarten students for the 2022-2023 school year will be held February 15th-17th. If you have an incoming kindergarten student you must make an appointment and register your child.
Starting January 24, 2022 – Registration appointments may be scheduled by clicking here. Registration will be held in the Springfield School District Administration building. No early registrations or registrations without an appointment will be taken. The registration packet(s) must be completed in its entirety, printed single-sided, and brought to your scheduled appointment along with original documents. One registration packet is required for each student registering.
Please visit our website for more information: https://www.ssdcougars.org/district/student-registration/2022-2023-registration
SSD Registration Department
2 Hour Delay - 1/7/22
1/4/2022 Updated Guidance
Good afternoon, SSD families.
As we stated in yesterday’s communication, COVID is an ever-changing, ever-challenging landscape. And with changes that seem to emerge daily, we continue to recognize and appreciate the cooperation and support of our parents, students and staff, knowing the different viewpoints that exist in our school community.
With that being said, at the regularly scheduled DE County Superintendents’ meeting today, our medical experts shared their own updated guidance to help school communities manage during periods of widespread community transmission, as the pandemic transitions to an endemic (when the disease is prevalent to such a degree that we are all basically considered close contacts). This information will be posted to the CHOP Policy Lab Blog in the next 24-48 hours.
Therefore, in accordance with the guidance of our medical experts, we will be implementing the following modifications:
- Masking - SSD has been asked directly by our medical experts to require universal masking indoors for all staff and students. Their request arises from the pressure medical personnel are feeling to keep pace with the rising demands placed on hospitals trying to serve patients with high medical needs and with the compounded staffing issues associated with holiday exposures.
- As good community members, we will offer our support to our hospitals by requiring universal masking of all starting Wednesday, January 5, 2022 until January 28, 2022.
- This requirement also addresses the need for potential close contacts to wear a mask, while keeping students in school.
- We understand masking has been politicized; however, we are making this decision with the intention of supporting the very medical staff and health professionals that tend to the health and wellness needs within our community.
- All asymptomatic people that remain negative for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, will be allowed to attend school full time.
- If you are sick, stay home. We will continue to send symptomatic students home.
- Based on the previous two bullets, SSD will shift away from school-based contact tracing, because, according to our medical experts, COVID infection in our area is moving to a phase where it is considered "endemic" rather than a "pandemic". We will continue to comply with all state and local contact tracing requests.
- As a reminder, per new CDC guidance released on 1.3.22, persons who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 5 days. After 5 days from the date symptoms began, or the date of testing -if asymptomatic- the student may return to school. Student return is contingent upon remaining asymptomatic or have resolving symptoms (fever-free for 24-hours).
We will continue to update you as information becomes available. Again, thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
The SSD Team
District Update 1.3.22
Happy New Year! We hope you and your family are happy, healthy, and safe. We will be welcoming back our students tomorrow, January 4, 2022, for in-person learning.
We continue to rely on our guiding principles to plan our course of action accordingly. These principles have not wavered:
· We believe safety matters, and we believe there has to be a focus on our children’s social, emotional, and mental well-being as well.
· We believe in-person learning is key to quality instruction.
· We believe vaccines matter.
So where does this leave us?
· Masking at this time is recommended for grades 7-12 and required for grades K-6. To review all of the district’s mitigation efforts, we encourage you to read our Health and Safety Plan found on our website.
· We are continuing to offer the Test-to-Stay program to maintain in-person learning opportunities.
· We will continue to follow our contact tracing protocols and notify each school community via email with daily positive case counts. For weekly case counts, please see the SSD COVID Tracker webpage.
· We have modified our quarantining and isolating protocols based on newly-revised PA Department of Health/CDC guidance. To review this information, please visit our Reopening Schools webpage.
· If you have any questions, please reach out to your building level administrator.
Should we be unable to offer a safe, in-person learning environment due to staffing or other circumstances, we do have the capability to pivot to virtual learning should the need arise. Your building administration will communicate those details, if necessary.
We recognize and respect that there are different perspectives within our school community and the community at large, as we continue to do our best to navigate this ever-changing, ever-challenging landscape.
Thank you again for your cooperation and attention to this matter.
The SSD Team
SSD Snow Day for Monday, January 3rd, 2022
SSD Snow Day for Monday, January 3, 2022
Although accumulation totals for today’s snow do not appear to be dramatic, the timing and unpredictability of this weather track is less than desirable.
SSD will be closing schools today due to the anticipated weather.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause families. Hopefully, our children can get outside and play a little bit if the scenario allows for it.
And… If I am wrong in making this decision, please know it was done in earnest.
See you all bright and early Tuesday morning, my friends. Thank you.
PA SECRETARY of ED - Letter Social Media Threats Against Schools - 12.16.21
Dear Colleagues,
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) are aware of numerous messages circulating on social media, primarily TikTok, regarding school shootings and bomb threats to schools across the nation for tomorrow, December 17.
These social media posts warn of threats but are not specific to Pennsylvania and do not contain specific threats, schools, actors, or locations.
However, law enforcement and school officials should, as always, remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to Safe2Say at (844) 723-2729, or info@safe2saypa.org, or online at www.safe2saypa.org. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
PDE and PSP encourages schools to share this message with their staff, parents, and students to spread awareness of these social media posts and to remind the community to be aware of and report any suspicious activity or threats.
Sincerely, Noe
Noe Ortega, Ph.D. | Secretary of Education Pennsylvania Department of Education | Executive Office 333 Market Street | Harrisburg, PA 17126
717.783.9780 | www.education.pa.gov twitter.com/PADeptofEd | facebook.com/PADepartmentofEducation pinterest.com/PADeptOfEd | youtube.com/PADeptOfEd
Nationally Reported Social Media TikTok Threat - 12/16/21
Information Regarding Non-School Specific, Nationally Reported Social Media TikTok Threat
Dear Springfield School District Community,
- SSD administration has been alerted to a social media post on TikTok that appears to be a vague, generalized threat against all schools in the US. The TikTok post threatens violence at schools on Friday, December 17th.
- NO students in the Springfield School District were connected to this post, and none have made any threats.
The post stated verbatim, “For anyone wondering on the the 17th, there will a massive school shooting threat across america not 100% sure but there’s a possibili.” Another part of the story read, “on friday there is supposed to be a massive school sh00ting threat across america.” Although we take all school safety issues seriously, the social media post did not indicate a direct threat against any particular school district, nor was there evidence that linked Springfield School District students to the social media activity. As a precaution, we have notified the Springfield Police. They will maintain a stronger presence within the community during school hours, especially on the 17th.
Our team will continue to partner with other districts and law enforcement entities to uncover all who are responsible. Threats of this nature often lead to “copycat” behavior, as some may believe it will trigger a day off from school or provide the guilty parties attention or notoriety. News outlets are reporting this across the country. Click here as an example.
Please reinforce with your children that threats, whether serious or not, are a crime and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Students engaged in such activity can also expect severe, school-based disciplinary action separate from criminal prosecution.
As we know, keeping our community safe is everyone’s responsibility, and we appreciate the support and cooperation of our SSD community.
The SSD Team