Absence Notification: Updated Procedures
Absence Notifications to inform the school that the student will not be in attendance are preferably received via email and must be sent on the day of absence. To email the attendance hotline, click on the link below of the school that your child attends. An e-mail form will be generated asking for the information below. Complete and send.
- Parent /Guardian name and phone number reporting the absence.
- The student’s name, grade, date of absence(s) and the reason.
This email will serve as the written note confirming the student’s absence.
Once the e-mail is received, an automated response confirming the receipt of the email will be returned to the sender’s email account. Parent/Guardian will also receive an automated call from School Messenger once the excused absence has been confirmed by the Attendance Office.
When e-mail is unavailable, absences may be phoned into the Attendance Hotline. If a phone call is used to report the absence, then upon returning to school, students need to bring a note, within 3 days for the absence to be excused.