
We are so pleased you have decided to send your child to the Springfield School District!

The Springfield School District proudly serves the communities of Springfield and Morton in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Our five schools have each distinguished themselves as safe, caring and committed to student success. We have a student body of over 4,000 students in grades kindergarten through twelve. Click here to view our annual report to the community. To view the school district map shaded by elementary attendance zones: Sabold (blue); Scenic (yellow), click here.

Elementary Schools:

Springfield Literacy Center
Grades - K, 1
210 West Woodland Avenue
Springfield, PA 19064
Ms. Megan Charitonchick, Principal

Sabold Elementary School
Grades - 2, 3, 4, 5
468 East Thomson Avenue
Springfield, PA 19064
Mr. Anthony Simek, Principal

Scenic Hills Elementary School
Grades - 2, 3, 4, 5
235 Hillview Drive
Springfield, PA 19064
Ms. Megan Scelfo, Principal

Middle School:

E.T. Richardson Middle School
Grades - 6, 7, 8
20 West Woodland Avenue
Springfield, PA 19064
Mr. Walter Hartshorn, Principal

High School:

Springfield High School
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
200 South Rolling Road
Springfield, PA 19064
Dr. Joseph Hepp, Principal

Extended Day Programs: The Springfield School District, like many districts, understands that families may have a need for before and after school care. Luckily, there are many wonderful facilities in and around the district that provide for such services. Although we do not facilitate these programs, we encourage our families to seek options which work well for their individual situation.

The Springfield School District centrally processes all new student enrollments, student withdrawals, changes of student address and all residency situations. The Central Registration Office is in the Springfield School District Administration building, 200 South Rolling Road in Springfield. You must be a current resident of Springfield School District to enroll your child.

*All registration forms/packets can be found at the bottom of this page. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 610-938-6118.

The Central Registration Office hours are as follows: during the school year (8:00 AM – 3:00 PM) and during the summer
(M-Th: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM, F: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM).   

  • One student registration packet is required for each student registering.
  • Packets must be completed in its entirety, printed single-sided and brought to your scheduled appointment along with original documents. 
  • Do not mail original documents.
  • Do not email photos, please scan the documents.
By Email: By Fax: By Mail/Drop Off:

Contact Person: Lisa Teplica
Subject/Re: Student Registration

Fax #: 610-938-6005
Subject/Re: Student Registration

Springfield School District
Central Registration Office
200 South Rolling Road
Springfield, PA 19064


The Springfield School District reserves the right to verify and investigate all documentation presented at the time of registration. Individuals lying or falsifying documents will be subject to all penalties under Pennsylvania law and School Board Policy. If you know of a family living outside of the district but attending our schools, please call 610-938-6016.


Kindergarten & Grade 1 New Student Registration

The registration packet for students entering grades K and 1 (new to Springfield School District) is available below under Registration Forms. For Kindergarten registration, the child must be age five on or before August 31st of the school year of enrollment. For new first grade registration, the child must be age six on or before August 31st of the school year of enrollment. (Currently enrolled SLC kindergarten students do not need to re-register for first grade.)

Springfield School District holds registration for kindergarten and first grade students for next school year in January/February. Visit this webpage for appointment information during this time.

Grade 2-12 New Student Registration

The registration packet for students entering grades 2-12 is available below under Registration Forms. Registration for next school year will be accepted starting in May prior to the start of the school year. No early registrations will be accepted.

Grade 6 & 9 Re-Registration

Springfield School District annually requires re-registration of current students entering grades 6 and 9. For the summer of 2024, re-registration will be postponed until next year when a new online registration system will be implemented. Please be sure to update your contact information in HAC to receive the latest communication.

  • Re-Registration Packet
  • Multiple Occupancy Re-Registration Packet
  • Re-Registration Appointment Signup

Multiple Occupancy and Section 1302

Multiple Occupancy is defined as a child and their parent or legal guardian residing with a district resident in which the district resident is the homeowner or lessee of the property. In addition to the registration packet, a Multiple Occupancy packet must be completed.

Section 1302 of the School Code states that in very limited situations, non-resident students from outside of the Springfield School District, may attend our schools if they reside with a guardian other than their parents and meet all of the following requirements:

  • Child must reside year round with the guardian 12 months a year.
  • Guardian must take on full legal responsibility for the child.
  • Child is living with the guardian un-supported.

Every new school year, a new 1302 affidavit must be completed and notarized for the child(ren) to remain in the Springfield School District. After the first-year, documentation must be provided demonstrating that the child(ren) are living with the guardian(s) un-supported. Failure to provide documentation will result in the child(ren) being removed from the district per district policy.

Examples of acceptable documentation include:

  • Copy of completed IRS form transferring tax exemption of child(ren) to guardian/lists child as a dependent of guardian
  • Copy of completed county form transferring child(ren) support payments to resident
  • Copy of completed State form notifying Department of Welfare of child(ren’s) new residence
  • Copy of insurance card/policy/statement listing child(ren) as eligible for services
  • Copy of lease/rental agreement identifying child(ren) as a tenant

The 1302 Affidavit must be notarized by a public notary before being turned into the school district at District office.

*By completing and having the affidavit notarized, you are indicating that you are taking on the financial and educational responsibility for the child/children full time, year-round. As part of this affidavit, documentation is required demonstrating you are legally taking on responsibility for the child/children.  f residency should change for any reason, it is the responsibility of the resident to notify the school district and amend the residency affidavit. Any false statements can and will be punishable by law. Further understand and agree that you WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENTIRE COST OF TUITION in accordance with district policy and the Public School Code of 1949 should it be determined that the child/children are improperly or illegally attending the Springfield School District. Understand that any false statements herein are made subject to the penalties 18 Pa. C.S §4904, relating to unsworn falsification for authorities.

Intent to Move

Intent to Move is defined as a family that has made a legal agreement to purchase or lease/rent a residence in Springfield or Morton. Settlement must occur within forty-five (45) days from agreement of sale. In addition to the registration packet, an Intent to Move packet and tuition payment must be provided at the time of your appointment.

Registration questions? Call or email Mrs. Lisa Teplica, District Registrar, at 610-938-6118 or

Download, save and complete the fillable forms. If printing, please print single-sided. One packet is required for each student registering.