Special Education


A full continuum of services are provided through the combination of the Springfield School District, Delaware County IU 25, Approved Private Schools and other facilities licensed to serve special education students. This continuum serves students who demonstrate the following: Autism/Pervasive Development Disorder; Emotional Disturbance; Neurological Impairment; Deafness/Hearing Impairment; Specific Learning Disability; Mental Retardation; Multi-handicap; Other Health Impairment; Physical Disability; Speech and Language Impairment; Blindness/Visual Impairment

Dr. Krisin Nash Director of Special Education
Marnie Lorah Assistant Director of Special Education
Meghan Meyers Coordinator of Special Education Programming K-5
Elizabeth Morrison Teacher on Administrative Assignment for Special Education Programming 6-12


Educational Services Overview

If you require any further information concerning the programs, offerings, or eligibility for special education supports and services, please contact your child's building principal or school psychologist.