Educator Effectiveness
Act 13 of 2020 was signed into law on March 27, 2020. Act 13 revised the Act 82 Educator Effectiveness process used to evaluate professional employees in PK-12 education across the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Effective the 2021-2022 school year, the revised rating system takes effect for classroom teachers, non-teaching professionals, and principals.
PA’s rating system is based on Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching as the overarching vision for effective instruction in the Commonwealth. The model focuses the complex activity of teaching by defining four domains of teaching responsibility:
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Domain 2: Classroom Environment
Domain 3: Instruction
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Domains 1 and 4 cover aspects of the teaching profession that occur outside the classroom, while Domains 2 and 3 address aspects that are directly observable in classroom teaching.
Springfield School District uses PA-ETEP, a software designed to facilitate and manage the PA Department of Education’s teacher evaluation process. PA-ETEP is Pennsylvania’s most commonly used electronic teacher evaluation software.
Go to the following websites for more information:
- Information about Educator Effectiveness and Act 13 for classroom teachers, nonteaching professionals, and principals.
- Information about the Educator Effectiveness Interactive Toolkit which includes Frameworks for Observation & Practice and Performance Templates.
PA-ETEP is SSD’s online platform, designed to facilitate the PA Department of Education’s new teacher evaluation process.