Title Programs
When most people refer to Title I, they are actually talking about Title I, Part A of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). Part A, Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Program, is one of the most well-known parts of federal education law.
Title I funds are targeted to schools and districts with poverty and used to provide educational services to students who are at risk of failing to meet state standards.
Title I has existed since the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), when the federal government first began to authorize formula grants to states and districts for the education of elementary and secondary students with low academic achievement enrolled in schools serving lower-income areas. It was reauthorized with the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act.
One major component of Title I focuses on providing parents with resources and information to support them and their child's academic success. Below you will find a link to a parent survey through which you can identify areas of interest to you so the Springfield School District's Title I program can better support you and your child.
Sabold Title I Parent Survey 2024-2025
Title I: Additional Information/Parent Resources
- Title I: Eligibility
- Title I: Exit Criteria
- Title I: Programming
Title I: Eligibility
How are children considered for Title I services at Sabold?
Multiple academic measures are considered to determine a child’s eligibility for participation in Title I. These measures vary by grade level and include:
Grades 2 & 3:
- i-Ready Overall scores
- MAPs scores and growth levels
- Curriculum Based Assessments
- Teacher observation and consultation with Child Study Team
Grades 3, 4, 5
- PSSA scores from previous year
- i-Ready Overall scores
- MAPs scores and growth levels
- Curriculum Based Assessments
- Teacher observation and consultation with Child Study Team
Title I: Exit Criteria
How do children exit Title I services?
We want to support our students for as long as they show the need for supplemental reading support. However, we want them to become successful learners without the additional support of Title I. To that end, when a child meets specific exit criteria and parents and teachers are in agreement, that child will no longer need to receive Title I support services.
The following measures are used when considering exiting a student from Title I:
Grade 2:
- Curriculum Based Assessments indicating consistent performance in the Proficient range
- MAPs scores in the Average or Above Average range
- i-Ready scores and growth
- Consultation with classroom teacher
Grades 3, 4, & 5:
- Scoring at the Proficient or Advanced level on the PSSA (English Language Arts or Math)
- Curriculum Based Assessments indicating consistent performance in the Proficient range
- i-Ready scores within the grade level range and meeting growth goals
- MAPs scores in the Average or Above Average range
- Consultation with classroom teacher
Title I: Programming
Title I Reading: Title I Reading Instruction focuses on improving student achievement in reading through additional instruction and support in the areas of Decoding, Fluency, Comprehension, and Writing in response to text.
- Decoding & Fluency Instruction:
- Decoding refers to the ability to figure out unknown words using a variety of strategies including sound/symbol correspondence, chunking of word parts, and contextual analysis of words in a sentence or paragraph. Fluency refers to the ability to read text smoothly, with a conversational tone and rate and appropriate expression that implies understanding. To support students with decoding and fluency needs, Title I incorporates two Wilson reading programs: Just Words® and Fundations®
- Fundations® is a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program that benefits all K-3 students. Fundations® is designed as a whole-class, general education program and is used throughout Kindergarten, First and Second grades. In Title I it is delivered as a double dose in a small group setting for intervention.
- Just Words® is a highly explicit, multisensory decoding and spelling program for students in grades 4–12 and adults who have mild to moderate gaps in their decoding and spelling proficiency but do not require intensive intervention. The program is designed for students with below-average decoding and spelling scores and should be combined with other literature-rich programs.
- Decoding refers to the ability to figure out unknown words using a variety of strategies including sound/symbol correspondence, chunking of word parts, and contextual analysis of words in a sentence or paragraph. Fluency refers to the ability to read text smoothly, with a conversational tone and rate and appropriate expression that implies understanding. To support students with decoding and fluency needs, Title I incorporates two Wilson reading programs: Just Words® and Fundations®
- Comprehension Instruction:
- Reading comprehension is the key to understanding the written word. It is also one of the more difficult skills to attain. As the grades progress, the reading becomes more complex and students are expected to read and comprehend a wider variety of texts (genre). The texts require extensive automatic sight word knowledge, content and contextual vocabulary, background knowledge, and an understanding of different text structures. As children progress to the higher grades, the reading of text books and informational text becomes crucial to academic achievement. Additionally, developing the skill to write as a reflection on or in response to a questions about reading, is crucial to future learning. To support students in developing those complex comprehension and writing skills, Title I uses the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System.
- Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) is a powerful, short-term intervention, that provides daily, intensive, small-group instruction, which supplements classroom literacy teaching. The LLI system works to deepen and expand comprehension with close reading and by increasing reading volume through engaging texts. Each level of text makes increasing demands on the reader, but the demands and resulting changes are gradual. By actively participating in intensive lessons on each level, readers have the opportunity to expand their reading and writing abilities. With the support of instruction, they stretch themselves to read more complex texts with accuracy, fluency, and comprehension – and to write with more complexity.
- Reading comprehension is the key to understanding the written word. It is also one of the more difficult skills to attain. As the grades progress, the reading becomes more complex and students are expected to read and comprehend a wider variety of texts (genre). The texts require extensive automatic sight word knowledge, content and contextual vocabulary, background knowledge, and an understanding of different text structures. As children progress to the higher grades, the reading of text books and informational text becomes crucial to academic achievement. Additionally, developing the skill to write as a reflection on or in response to a questions about reading, is crucial to future learning. To support students in developing those complex comprehension and writing skills, Title I uses the Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System.
Title I Math: Title One Math Program is geared toward supporting the areas in math where our students may be struggling. Lessons are taught to small groups primarily through a pull-out model (support provided in addition to math class) with occasional opportunities for push-in (support provided in the classroom during math class). Along with reinforcing the math concepts being taught in class, the program will focus on strengthening fluency with basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The students will have the opportunity to work with different math materials, manipulatives, and games throughout the year. Title I Math focuses on all the math concepts including numbers and operations, geometry, measurement, data, and algebraic thinking and problem solving. Each grade level will work on the specific skills that provide a strong foundation for the following year.
Elementary Materials and Resources: The Title I math teacher uses both EnvisionMath2.0 and i-Ready Math resources to support the learning of all students in the Title I Math program. These curricular grade level materials provide instructional resources that are connected to what each class is learning through in-class math instruction and math workshop.
Second Grade: Addition and subtraction within 20, creating equal groups of objects, work with time and money, understanding place value, measure and estimate lengths.
Third Grade: Multiplication and division within 100, understanding area, represent and interpret data, beginning fractions, place value for multi-digit problems, understand shapes and their attributes.
Fourth Grade: Place value for multi-digit numbers and problems, work with factors and multiples, equivalent fractions, generate and analyze data and patterns.
Fifth Grade: Operations with multi-digit numbers and decimals, add and subtract fractions, write numerical expressions.
How can parents help?
As parents, you can support your child’s learning by :
- Participating in your child's education which helps his or her achievement and attitude
- Promoting a positive attitude toward school and learning.
- Creating a home atmosphere that supports learning.
- Monitoring attendance and limiting absences..
- Making sure that homework is completed.
- Monitoring and limiting the amount of time spent watching television or playing electronic/online games.
- Participating in conferences and in making decisions relating to my child’s education.
- Promoting positive use of extracurricular time.
- Staying informed by promptly reviewing and responding to all school communications.
- Volunteering, to the extent possible, in the classroom and school.
- Serving, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups.
How can students help?
As students, you can share the responsibility for learning and:
- Get to school on time everyday ready to learn.
- Develop and maintain a positive attitude toward school and learning.
- Be responsible for completing homework (including 30 minutes of reading everyday) and seeking help when needed.
- Give your parents, or the adult who is responsible for your welfare, all notices and information received from school every day.
- Work hard, be kind, and do your best!
Parent Resources - Newsletters
Building Readers
September 2019
Helping Children Learn
Helping Children Learn - May 2024
Helping Children Learn - April 2024
Helping Children Learn - March 2024
Helping Children Learn - February 2024
Helping Children Learn - January 2024
Helping Children Learn - December 2023
Helping Children Learn - November 2023
Helping Children Learn - October 2023
Helping Children Learn - September 2023
- Helping Children Learn - January 2022
- Helping Children Learn - February 2022
- Helping Children Learn - September 2022
- Helping Children Learn - October 2022
- Helping Children Learn - November 2022
- Helping Children Learn - December 2022
- Helping Children Learn - January 2023
- Helping Children Learn - February 2023
- Helping Children Learn - March 2023
- Helping Children Learn - April 2023
- Helping Children Learn - May 2023
Reading Connections
Pennsylvania State Parent Advisory Council Website
Additional educational websites:
Grammar, comprehension, spelling, synonyms and antonyms practice
Interactive games on English grammar, Spanish, math and science
Current news events written for kids
Phonics practice and easy to read stories
Audio stories
Educational games for grades K-5
Using reading comprehension strategies in a fun way!
More online books!
Lots of stories with links to Readers’ Theater scripts
Check out Kid Zone!
Reading comprehension games
Finding a book’s reading level
Finding a book’s reading level
https://improvingliteracy.org/kid-zone Fun literacy games:
http://www.spellingcity.com Type in your spelling list and practice your words
Math Playground: www.mathplayground.com
PBS Kids: pbskids.org/games/math/
Math Game Time: www.mathgametime.com/math-games
Toy Theater—Virtual Manipulatives: https://toytheater.com/category/teacher-tools/virtual-manipulatives/.
Dr. Jeffrey Zweiback
Director of Educational Services /
Director of Federal Programs
Dr. Peter Brigg
Director of Elementary Education &
Professional Development
Mr. Anthony Simek
Principal, Sabold Elementary School
An Overview
English Language Development Program Goals
1. The goal of the English Learner Development classroom is to provide rigorous and intensive English instruction. Students are instructed in both social and academic language to support their English proficiency growth. Students receive quality instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing as outlined in the Pennsylvania Language Proficiency Standards. The goal of English Language Development instruction both in and out of the ELD classroom is to provide students with full access to the curriculum at their proficiency levels. The amount of time each student receives EL specific English only instruction is based on students’ specific proficiency levels and needs.
2. The K-12 English Learner (EL) Program of the Springfield School District provides students with the language skills they need to successfully participate in content area classes. To meet this goal, ELD instruction addresses the Pennsylvania Language Proficiency Standards and Pennsylvania Core Standards. Emphasis placed on various benchmarks is adjusted to the needs of the individual student. An underlying objective is to provide a source of support as the student seeks to understand and adapt to his or her new cultural and academic setting. EL teachers work to develop an appreciation of their students’ strengths within the school setting and to ensure full access to the range of educational opportunities available in the schools. English Learners fully participate in the regular education content classes at the level of their English proficiency with the goal being attainment of the PA Core Standards.
3. The Pennsylvania Basic Education Circular (BEC) released in July 2017 outlines state requirements for “Educating English Learners” in Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education states, “There are more than 61,000 English Learners (ELs) speaking more than 200 different languages in Pennsylvania. The education of students whose dominant language is not English and who are ELs is the responsibility of every Local Education Agency (LEA). Title 22, Chapter 4, Section 4.26 of the Curriculum Regulations requires the LEA to provide a program for every student who is an English learner (EL).”
“The goal of language instruction educational programs (LIEPs) is to facilitate the development and attainment of English proficiency and academic achievement of students whose native or first language is not English. Without instruction in social and academic English and appropriate support for learning academic content, these students are at risk of losing the educational opportunities provided to non-EL students.
Contact Information
Dr. Jeffrey Zweiback
Director of Educational Services and
Federal Programs
Lisa Gowman
English Language Development Teacher
Scenic Hills Elementary
Springfield Literacy Center
Maryeileen Kirchner
English Language Development Teacher
ET Richardson Middle School
Sabold Elementary
Title III- Programming
Title III funding may be used by LEAs to enhance existing ESL/Bilingual programs. It may be used only to supplement, not supplant, existing programs and sources of funding.. There are three required activities for the use of Title III funds:
1. Provide a high-quality LIEP
2. Provide professional development to teachers, administrators, and other school-based personnel who work with ELs
3. Provide and implement other effective activities and strategies that enhance or supplement LIEPs, which must include parent, family, and community engagement activities, and may include strategies that serve to coordinate and align related programs
Parents Right to Refuse Service: The Pennsylvania Department of Education has instituted a parental right to refuse English Language Development (or “opt out” of ELD). Although it is not advised, if a parent so chooses, they may refuse specialized services or classes that are only provided for English Learners. (This does not include a class composed of ELs and non-ELs in which ELD is supported through content instruction.)
If you are interested in learning more about your right to refuse ELD service for your child, please contact your ELD teacher or building principal.
Title III Program Goals 2023-2024
- 90% of English Learners receiving Title III services will demonstrate growth in English language proficiency.
- 80% of EL families will engage in one or more school based activities.
- Through the use of effective instructional strategies, EL students will make growth towards meeting grade level standards.
- Identification & Placement
- Assessment & Reclassification
- Key Terms
- Parent Webinars
- Resources for EL Families
- Helpful Websites
Identification & Placement
Identification of English Learners
The K-12 ELD Program conducts an initial screening once the appropriate steps have been taken in the PDE “English Learner Identification Procedure” guidelines.
PDE English Learner Identification Procedure
WIDA Screener Placement Test
- Students in grades K-12 will be administered the WIDA Screener. A WIDA Screener composite score of 5.0 or lower is eligible to receive ELD service
Program Placement of English Learners
Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP)
The LIEP program within the Springfield School District is designed for all ELs to have equitable access to academic content for all courses for which they are enrolled.
Program types:
- EL Specific English only instruction
- Mixed classes with English only
Assessment & Reclassification
Annual State English Language Proficiency Assessment: PDE is a member of the multi-state World Class Instruction Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium. The WIDA Consortium developed an assessment entitled Assessing Communication and Comprehension in English State to State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs). The Pennsylvania Department of Education uses the ACCESS for ELLs as the required instrument for the annual assessment of English language proficiency. ACCESS for ELLs is a standards-based, criterion referenced English language proficiency test designed to measure English language learners' proficiency in English. It assesses social and instructional English as well as the language associated with Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies within the school context across the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Reclassification Criteria
The Springfield School District follows the exit criteria requirements as outline by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Once ELs attain English proficiency as defined in the state reclassification procedure, they must be reclassified as former ELs. The academic progress of former ELs is actively monitored by district personnel for a period of two (2) years after reclassification.
Click here to view the Reclassification Criteria.
Key Terms
Key Program Terms
English Learner (EL) - Refers to students who are identified as still in the process of acquiring English as an additional language.
Immigrant (IMM) –The term “immigrant children and youth” means individuals who:
- (A) are aged 3 through 21;
- (B) were not born in any State; and
- (C) have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years.
*Students from Puerto Rico are not considered immigrants.
Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) - Students identified as SLIFE are:
- Enrolling after grade two, AND
- Have a literacy score of less than 3.5 on the WIDA Screener or MODEL Screener, AND
- Have at least two fewer years of age appropriate schooling than peers or has disenrolled from U.S. schools to enroll in schools in other countries (including Puerto Rico) more than two times in the past four years, AND
- Have limited encoding/decoding skills in native language (as indicated by family interview and/or native language measures and/or review of academic records and/or local measures)
English Language Development (ELD) - Refers to the courses, classes, and/or programs designed for students learning English as an additional language.
WIDA Consortium- WIDA is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners. To this end, the WIDA Consortium has developed English language proficiency standards and an English language proficiency test aligned with those standards (ACCESS for ELLs®).
WIDA Screener - Intake assessment for ELLs new to the U.S. school system or to a particular district. It is aligned to the WIDA English Language Proficiency standards and the ACCESS for ELLs.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0- Annual assessment given to students in Pennsylvania to measure academic English language proficiency. Assessment is online and measures English language proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading, & Writing.
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs – Alternative ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment for students identified as special education students and meet required criteria for participation.
English Language Proficiency Levels:
- Level 1: Entering
- Level 2: Emerging
- Level 3: Developing
- Level 4: Expanding
- Level 5: Bridging
- Level 6: Reaching
Parent Webinars
- My Child is an ELL Series - What does it mean to be an English Language Learner?
- My Child is an ELL Series - How was my child identified as an English Language Learner?
- My Child is an ELL Series - Will my child always be an English Language Learner?
- My Child is an ELL Series - How is my child expected to use language at school?
- My Child is an ELL Series - What are English Language Development Standards?
- My Child is an ELL Series - What can I do to support my child?
- My Child is an ELL Series - What does the ACCESS score report tell me?
My Child is an ELL Flyer
Resources for EL Families
Pennsylvania is part of the World-Class Instructional Design & Assessment (WIDA) standards for English learners (ELs) consortium. More information about WIDA can be found in the links below.
English Language Proficiency Standards - WIDA's standards outline the progression of English language development and exemplify how to teach academic language within the context of content area instruction.
The WIDA Consortium's English Language Proficiency Standards encompass:
- Social and Instructional language
- the language of Language Arts
- the language of Mathematics
- the language of Science
- the language of Social Studies
English Language Development Standards - WIDA draws on multiple theories and approaches in an effort to describe language use in academic contexts; this is the language that language learners must acquire and negotiate to participate successfully in school. These multiple theories and approaches form a theoretical foundation that supports the WIDA standards framework.
The standards framework consists of five components. Some of these components are expressions of a particular philosophy, while others are explicit representations of knowledge. The five components are:
- Can Do Philosophy
- Guiding Principles of Language Development
- Age-appropriate Academic Language in Sociocultural Contexts
- Performance Definitions & Strands of Model Performance Indicators (MPIs)
Helpful Websites
Starfall - Basic Reading and Writing Skills
ESL-Kids.com - Flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and children's song lyrics
Colorin colorado! - Resources to support English Language Learners
Kahn Academy - Free online courses, lessons and practice
Storynory - Free audio stories
Rewordify - Simplify Difficult English